I decided to start this page to attempt to continue the legacy of my Uncle Ted. That's not quite true. I decided to start this page because people wanted copies of his recipes and photos. And I'm good at saying things like, "Yeah! I can do that! I'll just find them, type them up and make a little book to share with everyone!" But I'm not good at actually doing it.
So, I figured I can try this. I am good at typing up a recipe or two, maybe scanning in a picture or two. I'm good at looking through Uncle Ted's things and finding photos of his brilliant decorating, party, and food ideas and stealing them. I'm good at hearing and telling stories about my Uncle Ted. And I'm REALLY good at having friends over to try things out.
I can think of no better way to remember my amazing uncle, than to continue his tradition of Friday Night at Ted's. My uncle had a group of very dear, beloved friends in Virginia, where he lived. Every Friday (or nearly every Friday), he would cook for them. I was never fortunate enough to attend a Friday Night at Ted's event, but I am hoping some of his friends who were there, can share their memories, stories, and recipes here, too. I have all of his recipes, but, like many things about my dear uncle, they are somewhat disorganized and haphazard. I did attend "Friday Night at Ted's at Skip's" when I was out visiting. Some of the original Friday Night friends were there, but the tradition had changed, as many things in life do. I did talk to him many times after that, but that was the last time I ate, drank, and was merry with him. At the time, I was a vegetarian and I have the recipe for the vegetarian dish that we ate, but I have no idea what else was served.
So, now I'm rambling. I'll try not to ramble much, but I make no promises. Here's the plan: about once a month we'll have Friday Night at Ted's at Gretchen's. I'll invite my friends, I'll post the recipes, we'll take and post pictures, and see what happens next. Feel free to join us anytime - either at my house or have your own Friday Night at Ted's!